05/12/20 CRITICAL REFLCTION - DENNNIS Thoughts and views SIE2016 - DENNIS "What we have a English language module? what is it for? we are engineers, we do not need to learn how to write essays or reports!" This was my exact thoughts when I finally learned what SIE2016 module was all about. I never once envisioned myself completing this module as a more confident man, a man who is confident in communicating and writing to others. The very first class we attended was this module, I remember everyone standing awkwardly outside, some were using their phones, some were just staring into blank space. Then come Professor Blackstone. He laughed because the door was open and no one dared to go in, and i thought "here we go". He forced us to be up on our legs to walk around class to break the ice, and that was the moment I knew this class is special. Every exercise aims to help us learn the correct way or method to writing and pitching, Professor Blackstone adds in his bit ...